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Trick Or Treat So Others May Eat

Updated: Oct 15, 2019

Mrs. Angela Shaw, Client Services Coordinator for AIM's Hunger Ministries, looked at the shelves and realized how bare the food supply was looking. Trying not to worry, she quickly gathered the materials for the twenty-first annual Trick Or Treat So Others May Eat ("TOTSOME") event. This food collection and hunger awareness event goes throughout the month of October and encourages community involvement in Anderson, Pickens, and surrounding counties. Bags are donated by Chick-Fil-A and given to groups who then distribute them to neighborhoods, businesses, schools, etc. They encourage residents, shoppers, students, and other community members to fill the bags with nonperishable food items before they are picked back up again by the group. Then, the group may drop off all of the filled bags at AIM's food pantry (1206 South Murray Ave., Anderson, SC, 29624) or call to have someone come pick them up for them.

Groups that have participated in the past include, but are not limited to:

- Youth Groups (for a Sunday or Wednesday night activity)

- Sunday School Classes (during Sunday morning classes)

- Family/Friends ("teams" consist of two or more people working together toward a common purpose)

- Businesses (could offer a 10% discount to anyone who brings a filled bag in)

- Scouting Groups (supports the mission of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of the USA)

- Athletic Teams (creates a bonding experience and is a good way to get to know your teammates)

- Clubs/Organizations (provides great publicity and ways for members to get involved)

- Schools/Classes (a way to create some friendly competition for recognition or a prize)

- Neighborhood HOA's (or a designated location along your street/neighborhood)

- Corporations (provides great publicity and ways for others to get involved and support your brand)

- Departments/Shifts (creates friendly competition when gathering food items or monetary donations)

In previous years, the community has provided over 5,500 bags of nonperishable food items for AIM's clients. As that sets a pretty big goal for this year, we AIM to have a high participation rate.

To get involved, please contact Angie Shaw at or


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